Kobo Libra 2: Pleasantly Repairable The Entry Process There aren't really any repair guides on the internet already for this device, so I had to just play it by ear. A simple metal spudger to the cracks on the back and some plastic clips later, it opened up with little issue. A complete
Teach a man to phish Disclaimer: Please don't do this. This is for entertainment purposes only. Why This summer a family member of mine was hit with a series of phishing attacks. They fell for it. Nothing against them, the internet can be very confusing and deceptive. Anyone can get targeted by these
Setting up a Cloudflare Warp on Fedora 39 I am a user of Fedora. I appreciate the easy to use installer, up to date kernels, how good dnf & copr are, and the positive open source ethos. But it does come with it's challenges. One of the main ones is the security focused mindset. This can
Spain Mobile Carriers TLDR: Which one should you go for? If you need a lot of data: Go with Vodafone or O2 on the higher tier plan. They both give generous data packages for good prices. Vodafone has 50GB for €17/mo and O2 has 150GB for €20/mo. If you want to
Mailspring Review: Everything I've been asking for I've been looking for an email client for a while now. I have half a dozen email accounts and keeping track of them individually is a serious pain. It's much better to be able to have a local client that helps me deal with all of
Featured I love my Framework 13: Here's why you (probably) shouldn't buy one. To start this off I'm going to go over the pros and cons. Then elaborate more later on. Pros & Cons Pros: * Great build * Good speakers * Highly repairable * Highly customizable * Linux support Cons: * Battery life is fine * Price Experience Building the thing: I purchased the Framework 13 DIY
Optimizing Arduino Code This is generally an uninteresting post. Skipping it is for the best. I am just testing out copying and pasting from Obsidian (my markdown based note editor of choice). Problem I'm working on my Room Occupancy Monitor project for intro to hands on engineering, but the damn Arduino